Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A random collection of thoughts

I had my interview with the Diverse Theater Company today. I'm excited to work with them. The Artistic Director is originally from the Bay Area, and the festival I will be working on is modeled after Sam Mendes' Bridge Project. The interview was supposed to only be an hour but ultimately ended up 4 1/2 hours long, with lunch, a meeting with the Production Manager, and an interview with a potential stage manager.

I'm just happy that I'm more in a Producing role for this. I haven't really had that experience outside of CBTP, and even that it was so haphazard I would only loosely call it experience. Plus, at this point, if I see another rehearsal schedule that I have to figure out I might be forced to kill someone.

Tomorrow I have to go in to learn about the sound and light board. To say that I'm not looking forward to it would be the understatement of a lifetime. I don't know why I'm so unenthusiastic- I think it's just because I haven't done it before so I'm anxious. I've made cue lists, I've run the projector, I'm familiar with the material- it's just a matter of becoming familiar with the board, right? But the damn thing has so many buttons and switches that it freaks me out. And I have to engage in mild subterfuge just to learn the damn thing because we're not using the normal light/sound board operator. I don't know why we can't use her, I'd rather use her and be back stage making sure the actors are doing their jobs... but no. Basically, I'll be in the booth and no one will be backstage, setting or making sure people don't miss their cue. Now that makes me anxious.

I am so amazingly tired. But at least it will be nice this weekend, I wish I had people to fritter about in the park with.

On the bright side, I think I'm coming home from July 26ish to August 18th or 19th. I can't wait to come home. I miss the Bay Area. Or maybe I miss friends and family. I'm not sure. I want to go camping, I want to go to Santa Cruz and San Francisco. I want to see everybody. I can't wait. I'm a bit sad that I'm missing Michael and Christine's 16th birthday, or that I'll be here for my birthday. But I don't mind that as much. I'm ambivalent towards my birthday, especially the concept of turning 24. No thank you.

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