Monday, March 29, 2010

I have done nothing of interest as of late.

Well, I did see The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

It was surprisingly good, I was impressed with the adaptation and how true to form they kept it. I definitely can't wait to see the next too (or read the last book in the trilogy. My roommate's going to try and snag a copy from her coworker who works for Vintage).

Other than that, I have a meeting on Wednesday and a meeting on Thursday. Other than that, I'm just chilling. I'm totally over the current show that I'm working on, and want to start the next show. I just have to make it through April.

And I'm still torn between The New School and NYU. I mean, I'll probably go to NYU because their dramatic writing program is amazing and I can focus on both screenwriting and playwriting. But, I don't know... Gah.

I also really hope that I can get a job as a research assistant or something when I start school. And I want it to be sunny and warm so that I can go out and waste time outside without spending money. Or... you know... make friends or something. That'd be awesome.

I hope The Importance of Being Earnest went well. I want pictures, but Shruti texted me a picture that said special thanks to the other Katie and I. That made me happy, though I wish I could have worked on it more.

1 comment:

  1. we should talk. My friend ashley's friend went to tisch and she said the downfall with them is they only care about the phd students...something to think about...
