Thursday, March 25, 2010

I love this song:

On an entirely different topic:
I've barely left the apartment all day. At around noon, I was tricked into thinking it was going to rain. So I ran out and got all my errands (read: spending money that I don't have) done. Got back, sat down and made lunch, only to realize it's getting sunny again. Well, now that I'm back in I have things to do, so I can't just go fritter away the day now can I. Well, I can, but I really should be productive.

I did manage to get ahold of the Artistic Director for The Diverse City Theater Company. They're off off broadway, but not like the current place I'm working. The AD is from the Bay Area, and I can already tell he has that Northern Californian way about him. Am I speaking nonsense? probably. But he seems really friendly, and says he wants to call me Kathryn because it sounds so British, like I should be drinking tea or something. He also has a close friend who went to Santa Clara and the year after she graduated, went straight to Broadway. Note to self: find out who that is.

I'm about a step away from getting this internship, and I'm meeting with the guy next week. If I get it, it's from May- July 23rd. They're doing a playwright's festival that I would help with the production, marketing, and design of. And I'd get a stipend! a small stipend, but a stipend none the less.

I just really liked that he didn't seem like a complete crazy pants. So cross your fingers. Besides that, I'm still glowing over Tisch and trying to figure out what I'm going to do. I think ultimately, I want to be able to write and perhaps be in more of the marketing/preproduction/producing side of things. It's more stable, but I'm not sure. I can't say, just because I think this current experience is messing with my brain. I just need to survive it, and that's only 6 weeks (and one of those weeks is off). And maybe what I really want to do is teach playwriting, dramaturgy, theatre history. I know I want to get my PhD eventually.

And I need to find a job

1 comment:

  1. That video reminds me of road trips across nevada. Makes me kind of depressed, but man I love how they filmed it 70's style without the CGI and annoying editing.
