Monday, March 15, 2010

I just got back from seeing a staged reading of a German play from some dude who was obsessed with Brecht.

Let's just say that it consisted of 3 hours of one guy sitting in a chair and talking about how much he hated Interlocken, the placement of the chairs in the room, and knitting.
Oh and noodles, don't forget noodles. But the directing, set, and lighting were actually really good. It's just the content. After a while it breaks you down.

I also met the people who are doing our lights and sounds for the show. When leaving I ran into the director and gave her a hug goodbye and totally turned and hugged the hapless lighting dude. He put out his hand and I was all "I've been hugging people all day, one for you too-" God I'm weird. But anyone from freshman year of undergrad can vouch that I used to walk around with a 6 foot personal bubble. And now personal space is a novel concept. I don't even know.

Afterwards I got all turned around and decided to re-orientate myself by walking to Times Square

On a Monday night in March it was so empty. Every other time I've been there it's been crazy packed. Which is why I stick to 8th Ave whenever I'm going to rehearsal or a show.

Oh and when I was walking in TS some random Japanese tourist took my photo. Straight on, deer in the headlights, me staring into the depths of the camera- photo.


I got into City College but didn't get into Hunter. Out of all the CUNY schools, Hunter was what I wanted to go to the most, but that still didn't compare to NYU, The New School or Columbia. So far, The New School is where I'm going to be for the next two years, but I'm still waiting on 5 more.


I was supposed to have rehearsal for 6 hours tomorrow, but because one of our leads fucked up his schedule, we're cutting it by 3 hours. Hopefully he'll feel guilty tomorrow. I had a fantastic rehearsal with the Mechanicals today. I love the guy who plays Bottom. He has a 3 year old daughter and loves to enter and leave rooms speaking in random languages, and then gets really enthusiastic when someone can speak with him in said language. Our other mechanicals are hilarious as well. One girl is from the East Bay, so we bonded about missing nature and open spaces. Then we all bonded over Avatar (which I still haven't seen), Alice in Wonderland (also haven't seen), and midnight showings of Pineapple Express (totally been there, done that). It was good times. So today was a "Katie actually likes theatre" Day.


Oh and I just found out that Eddie Redmayne and Alfred Molina are going to be in a 15 week run of Red starting April 1st. So I'll definitely be checking that out. In the next two weeks I'm going to try and see God of Carnage and The Pride. I also want to see the new cast of HAIR but they're not going anywhere and I want to take my hippie roommate to see them on the lottery tickets.





P.S. I'm going to find the bagpiper that likes to bagpipe at 11 pm every god damn day and strangle him with his bagpipes.

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