Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I just need to make it until 4 pm tomorrow.
Let's ignore my 9:30 meeting in Brooklyn on Friday.

I've been perusing the MFA Blog and it's interesting that so many people have been rejected across the board. I've had my share of rejections, am still waiting on more than half the schools, as well as acceptances to several including two of my top choices. I didn't think my writing was all that great, but I didn't think it was horrid. To be honest, it seems pretty consistent with a 23 year old who has limited life experiences. I don't know if I'm shortchanging myself or what. I'm guaranteed to go into a graduate program and get bombarded with my failures- which is fine and what I expect... But so many people seem to jump the gun with perceptions of their own fantastic writing skills. I don't think bragging about how you wrote a short story with only two drafts proves that you are the next Hemingway or Salinger. And then freaking out because you got a resounding "no!" from Iowa, Illinois, and all those other big names (which I didn't even apply to), is really not all that surprising. Of course, I have 7 drafts of everything because I can't edit for my life. My posts are proof enough of that.

When I had my interview for Tisch, the director asked why I hadn't had any of my work produced by our group. I told him honestly, that my writing style didn't mesh with the other writers in the group, and as most of the shows we did were one acts and scene based, some sense of consistency was important.

I also didn't think I was any good, so all of my applications were based on the idea that I would be rejected by all schools and then come August I'd be up a creek (Now, I have two years until I have to worry about that).

I want to be one of those people with a maddeningly inflated ego and sense of self-worth. I want to be the person with unwavering self confidence. That would be ridiculously awesome.

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