Monday, February 1, 2010

Housing advice after a shitshow of a day.

Rule 1: If it sounds to good to be true, it is.
So when the most fabulously charming gay boy says he has the best apartment in the best location in Williamsburg, and a train that only takes 12 minutes to Union Square he really means that he's living in a sketch ass place that looks like what Hepatitis must feel like.

Rule 2: Location, Location Location
5 blocks form the subway sucks.
5 blocks from the subway in 20 degree weather when you're wearing tights that are slowly rolling down your legs sucks even more.
This is also the reason why I'll now be slowly (and tentatively) transitioning my search location to Manhattan and away from Brooklyn.

Rule 3: Breakdowns are inevitable
Mine came in the form of me weeping on the Q train and saying "I've failed in New York and I haven't even been here 12 hours" followed by weeping through the grocery store (we hadn't eaten in 10 hours) into the hotel and up the stairs, into the bedroom where I lay on the bed sobbing into the phone saying that I suck at everything and am completely incompetent.

The Result?
I sent out 6 emails in the last hour, and tomorrow I have one tentative appointment and one definite appointment for Greenwhich Village Area/Beeker Street.

I am also buying a pair of Uggs. I don't care that they are ugly. I care that my feet need to be pampered. I want to feel like Angels are kissing my feet, and that will only happen with a pair of uggs.
And I want to eat my feelings.

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