Friday, February 19, 2010

It's 3:47 pm, do you know where your children are?

If you're my mother, you'd say "probably doing something to screw up her life fifty years down the line."

And she'd probably be right.

Second interview and it went decently, and I have to return to the 45th street theater at 5 to find out who I'm working with.

But the other interview, the one with the Public for the Summer Production Assistant internship with Shakespeare in the Park, that one went moderately okay. She kept asking me why I want to have an internship, and I have the sneaking suspicion that even if I get it (which I won't find out until mid-March) I will be the oldest one there.

Maybe I'm cranky and today is one of those days. One of those days where I can't for the life of me figure out why I didn't just suck it up and go to grad school 2 years ago for International Relations and Conflict Management. Why didn't I? What's wrong with me? I wanted to be in the arts, good job, Kate. Here's a cookie and a pat on the back because someone dropped you on your head and some point during your childhood.

It's just that I don't have connections, I don't have the experience, I don't have... well, anything. I think, maybe I should go to Los Angeles and see if I can get a Production Assistant job. I have no experience there either, except all the asm and tech work I've done. And Hell, it's 80 degrees down there, while it's 30 here.

I haven't even been here a month, so it's not like I have any idea what is even going on.
But what am I going to do if it doesn't pan out? Am I going to ultimately be a 30 year old attempting to get an intern position. I have no other skills. Say it with me now,
I am completely lacking in skills.

Good grief, sometimes you wake up and feel like the biggest failure in the world.

I've also gotten hooked on
this site.

Man, I don't even know anymore. It would be nice to know at least one person here. Just. One.

Maybe more later.

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