Monday, February 8, 2010

The Pod Hotel, the apartment etc

The Pod Hotel and the first day in New York.

I love Indian food. I could eat it every day for the rest of my life.

Yes, our hotel room didn't have a bathroom in it. There were 4 bathrooms on our floor (of about 20 rooms). But they were cleaned every hour, so it wasn't so much as "youth hostel" as "really cheap but nice hotel." I definitely would recommend it to my friends.
Also, as you can tell, it's Fashion Week. But you'd never know, it's completely dead over there. But maybe that's because it's 20 degrees outside.

And what everyone's been waiting for... my apartment!

The view from my "front door."

it's a busy street.

Lofted bed! I can stand underneath without even hitting my head.

See that air conditioner? That means that every noise outside I can hear crystal clear inside my room. Sound proofing? What nonsense.

My closet. Not big. but nothing in this city is big for under 2 grand.

Our living room.

Our living room... with light.

My flatmate Lindsey's room. and the fridge.

Look at that blue wall. HOT. too bad we don't have much kitchen space. but we do have a dishwasher!

The other roommate lives down that hallway.

Pictures of my (now: pseudo) decorated room and trip to the museum, later.

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