Saturday, February 13, 2010

I've applied to 9 jobs and internships this week, and have heard back from 5. Out of those four, two of them had said that they're not checking resumes (yet) because they are for their summer programs. Two others have said that they will check my resume and cover letter at some point in time and possibly get back to me. And one, one responded and asked to meet with me on Tuesday at 3 pm for an assistant stage management internship (it's unpaid so they call it an internship).

That's right, I have my first interview on Tuesday.
At 3 pm.
With the Michael Chekov Theater Company.
Excuse me while I freak out.

After all this went down, I went out to Brooklyn with my roommates to a place called Bar 4.

(Not my pictures, obviously. I barely had time to get ready, let alone contemplate taking pictures while there)

There was an open mic night going on, with three different bands/singers. The first two, amazing. One was a folksy joni mitchell mixed with Corrine Bailey Ray, and the other was like a female Possessed by Paul James. And then came the third group. It was like hipster rejects had descended upon the bar and it was not good. The lead singer was wearing a micromini red dress, with white knee-high socks with lace and brown character shoes. I mean... WHAT? Evidently, that's the look for hipster bands, and all I can say is no thank you. I get that you're trying to be that chick from gossip girl, who has a band and tries to look like Debbie Harry, but it's not working out. It didn't help (or maybe it did help) the fact that the bass and drums were so loud and the chick's mic was so weak that we could barely hear her. She looked like she was midway between freaking out at everyone and screaming, or breaking glasses over people's heads.

So we left half way through the set, and I accidentally left my scarf on the seat. Of course, I could have gone back to get it, but after ditching a set that would have been slightly awkward. And by slightly, I mean, this lead singer chick was sassing all the patrons. And not in a good way.

Subway back, got back at 1, when I finally ate dinner (and lunch). Finally, New York Pizza!
Oh good God, it was the best pizza i've had in ages.
Back to the room and we all talked for about 2 more hours. Talked about all the clubs and bars we want to go to, talked about illegal subletting, talked about where we'll be in 5 or 10 years, talked about going to see The Wolf Man and getting frozen yogurt tomorrow.

You know, good stuff.

I may not know if I'm going to be in this city a year or even six months from now, but at least my roommates are good people.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, is that Zoey Deschanel in that picture? anyway, good to hear roomates are good.
