Friday, April 2, 2010

I sat in the park and read all day. The result of these adventures were a sunburn on both of my arms an a back ache from sitting on the cement steps. But it was good. I listened to a jazz quartet for 3 hours and ate my lunch and just frittered about.

I'm still torn about The New School, CalArts, UCLA, or Tisch. I mean, I want to go to Tisch. I think that's my top choice, but I keep wondering. I didn't have this problem when I applied to undergrad, and I'm not used to being wanted by a program. And I don't particularly think I'm a good writer, so I'm constantly wondering what they see in me. And then, of course, there's the issue of "what next?" What will this get me afterwards? I want to be a dramaturge, a writer, work in the new works section of a theatre company. I would like to have some skills that mean something...somewhere. PhD? Probably. In what? I'm not sure. I wouldn't mind teaching theatre or history. Preferably theatre history, dramaturgy, playwriting. I'm not sure if I'd be any good.

I just want to have skills! Or have faith in myself that someone somewhere will see those skills and think I'm decent enough to hire. Anyway, I have to send in a deposite for Tisch by the 15th, so I better get on that. And then I get to apply for health insurance! Huzzah! I can't wait.

That said, I'm spending the rest of the weekend chilling, reading. I still don't have any friends here, so it'll be quiet. I'm kind of getting lonely. You'd think my current job would fix that, but- I don't know... I'm just frustrated.

I was thinking of doing script frenzy but lo and behold, I haven't even written a word yet. I've barely written anything since I applied to schools.

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