Monday, April 19, 2010

I haven't been posting that much. This is mostly because A) I'm really freaking busy, B) my family was visiting last week, and C)like I said, I have a show opening this weekend, fools.

So I'm busy. Last week was the emotional week from Hell, and this week is... I don't even know. It's resignation. Somehow, I'm less stressed. I know that will change by Thursday, but at the moment my default position is *arms thrown up in the air* and a "Whatever, I'm not on stage."

That said, this isn't like I want to hit a wrong key and plunge the actors into darkness. Or the damn sound cues, which are always either too loud or too soft, too quick or never ending. I want my damn goldilocks cues. I'm actually not that worried. I'm in my booth- more like a bunker, and I'm relatively safe. Granted, I don't even have a full run under my belt yet.

It helps that our lightening designer is phenomenal. He lit the concert/Central Park version of Hair before it returned to Broadway. He's lit shows all over the world and hasn't had a day off in over a year. He's also really cool, a great teacher, and in general someone you want to hang around with. It's like I've found my tech person...too bad tomorrow is his last day. Anyway, the actors are nice, and they try...though I need to give them some more guidance about the importance of setting their own props.

And some people need to learn to read their rehearsal schedules. Stage Manager Suggestion #1: If you want to be your SM's best friend, read and respect the schedule. It is your God during the rehearsal process. Build a shrine to it, pray to it daily, and never never flout the rule of the schedule. The quickest way to get on a Stage Manager's shit list? To ignore the rehearsal schedule that I sent you OVER TWO WEEKS AGO and then schedule work during our last run thru. We aren't even in the theatre, so it's not like your being absent personally affects me. It's a run thru with the sole purpose of helping your cast members, so that's who's you're really fucking with.

Personally, I don't care.

But I do want to see Kick Ass.

TL;DR if I'm not around much until Tuesday the 27th. It's because I (don't) have a life.

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