Saturday, April 10, 2010

Got Anxiety?

It's about 4:30 am on a saturday. No I haven't been out having a grand old time. I was actually asleep up until an hour ago. I fell asleep at around 11:30 but woke up to an anxiety attack, completely freaking out over the show.

So since then, I've been awake. I went through and looked at all the rehearsal blocking days we have (we have less than a week to block this show), and Jesus Christ. I don't know how we're going to do it all. We might be able to, but I have to meet with my Director early to warn her that we can have any downtime for the rest of this. I also don't know how we're going to be able to load in when another show is going up. Testing the set and everything is fine, but the lights? I'm not sure how we're going to do that. That's another thing I have to talk with Katrin about this afternoon. I also typed up the props and everything we need, and begin compiling headshots. I'm going to finish that this afternoon after I get done with everything else, including going from Brooklyn to midtown, to the LES and then back to greenwich village.

And I'm panicking because NYU needs to have my deposit by the 15th and I haven't sent it off yet. I'm going to try and do next day delivery at the Penn Station post office sine it's only a few blocks from where I'm going to be today. I just want everything to work out, I'm flipping out, and I haven't had time to sit and think and send off this stuff. I should have gotten everything under control last week, but I didn't. And now it's biting me in the ass. I wonder if I can drop it off at the school? It's only a few blocks away, though I doubt the admissions building is open on saturday. The letter won't even get there until Monday anyway, so I could just go in during the morning and hand it directly to the Admissions department. I have their address. I have their email and phone number, maybe I'll give them a call during a 10 minute break in rehearsal.

I need redbull.
And I am not looking forward to running a multitude of sound and light cues at the same time, with two different boards, all by myself. I might see if I could get Joan to help, but who knows. I would love it if she would run lights and I could run sound or vice versa. It would just make things so much easier.

I'm pretty certain that hardly any of this is coherent, but what can I say. It's 4:30 am and I'm about to try to go back to sleep because I need to wake up at 6:45 at the latest.

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