Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A new year, a new year

Hello All!

I've been sick for the past few weeks, which has resulted in me slacking in more ways than one. If you couldn't tell, I went on a hiatus from the internet more or less, but now I'm back.

For the next year this will be a place for me to post articles that I find important, images that I love, any tidbits of writing that I've managed to not completely mangle, as well as (get ready for it) documentation of my big move from The San Francisco Bay Area to New York City! Specifically, Brooklyn. I'm nervous as hell, but hey, isn't that the point?

The goal is to move by February 1st.
So far, everything is up in the air. I may have a roommate, but we're still waiting on her final grade. If she is my roommate (which I am terrified of jinxing at this point in time), then we still need to find an apartment. If she isn't my roommate, then I'm screwed I'm going on a mad hunt. I have one potential, but it's very very potential.

As for jobs? Well, I've applied to grad school at the following schools:
City College of New York, The New School, Hunter College, Queen's College, NYU, Brooklyn College, and Queen's College. (I've also applied to CalArts, UCLA, and San Diego State, but shhhh. I don't want to live in Southern California).

So I'm moving about 7 months before school starts, 2 months before I even find out if I've gotten into a school, and with no job opportunities. Well, I'm willing to do any sort of work, and I've got theatre on my resume, which leads me to my secondary goal: being able to get more experience working in theatre. Yes, I know that this means off-off-off-off-off-off (to the 10th degree) Broadway, but guess what? That's AOK with me. I'm looking for more experience. I'm distraught that I'm not going to be Stage Manager or AD for Cardboard Box's The Importance of Being Earnest, but the time has come to move on. Ideally, I'll eventually be able to find something as first an ASM and then eventually a Stage Manager, but for now I'll take what I can get. And any other jobs that pay the bills as well.

So as of right now, I'm finishing up the loose ends of applications, waiting to hear back whether I'm A) going to have a roommate and B) if i'm up a creek, researching non equity theatre houses, and writing.

Who knows where I'll be a year from now, but hopefully it'll be somewhere exciting! And not completely broke.

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