Wednesday, September 15, 2010

5 Things I have Learned over the last 3 days

1. I need rainboots that don't smell like burning rubber.

2. The only people who party more than writers are lighting designers.

3. (This is a two-parter) Why do I write? To understand people. When I am unable to write I can feel the world slowly closing in on me. So I'm selfish. Am I any good at it? Yes, but not good enough. I am, however, very good at bullshitting last minute assignments and speed-reading.

4. I would sell my first born to see GATZ

I wish I was little bit taller
I wish I was a baller


  1. Gatz was amazing!! (Granted, I only saw the first 6 hours or so. I left during Part 2's intermission when the show ran at A.R.T. in Cambridge last Spring.) I would love to see it again (if tix aren't sold out and/or expensive). Let's go together!!

  2. Don't we all wish we were taller? Story of my life.
