Friday, September 10, 2010

Dear Dudes of New York,
Stop telling me to smile, no I will not give you a hug, and the day Hell freezes over is the day I have a "good time" with you. Instead, I will do what I want. And that means seeing a musical and ignoring your creepy ass advances that have more to do with the fact that I'm walking alone and you want to feel like a He-Man rather than anything else.

PS I saw La Cage and was pleasantly surprised.

PSS More musicals this weekend, plus some random mixer-thing with the first and second DDW kids. I foresee all the firsts doing their thing. It's awesome that we're already this tight. I also have to come up with 2-3 ideas/plots for screenwriting (full length by Thanksgiving), figure out what I want to write about for playwriting (2 by the end of the term), read like 4 or 5 plays and write for an hour each day. HOW AWESOME IS THAT. I just need to remind myself that I AM writer, that I'm capable, that I got into this program for a damn good reasons... and that means I should take my own writing relatively seriously or at least have a bit of faith in it.

And now I'm going to go to sleep so that I can wake up early and do some homework.

k, goodnight. Let's kick it, old school.

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