Tuesday, June 15, 2010

When it rains, it pours.  And today it was a downpour of Biblical proportions.
The cherry on top of the pos day was when the Scientologists outside of our office berated me for 5 minutes about how stress was destroying my life.
a) I live in New York.
b) I work in theatre
c) I am a control freak.
Of course I'm stressed. And reading your stupid book and trying to cleanse myself of Thetans is going to do jack to help my stress. You know what helps more? Yoga.
And a lobotomy.

And being stuck on the 46th floor of an empty building at 10:30 at night? So not fun. More like the start of a zombie horror film.
I'd like to thing I'd survive.

So before I go, here's a song that makes me not want to carpet bomb the world.

*I totally did not take that photo yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. That animation is awesome! I'm so happy to see watercolors coming back!
