Monday, May 3, 2010

"Times Square will never be empty again, even after the apocalypse "

first here
this, too.

Now that they're leaning towards homegrown terrorism, I wonder if the fact that it was International Worker's Day/Labour Day had anything to do with the choice of day. In the end, I'm glad that everyone was okay, and those two vendors are badass.

Also, I totally don't even want to think of the mess that will be Midtown, tomorrow.
Though I feel bad that the bomb threat and the oil spill have overshadowed Tennessee.

And that said, in the scheme of world events: THIS one pretty much takes the cake. It's been going on for a couple of days and I've seen hardly anything on it outside of CNN International.
And This, if you want to hear about the war that never ended and that we are still.part.of.

Sometimes I wonder if 2012 wasn't just the day the Mayans decided to stop calculating their calendar for shits and giggles and that it's actually the Apocalypse.

And my post has come full circle. The End.

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